Like our network of highways, the nasal sinuses are a highly complex, branched system. As drivers we like to rely on navigation systems that provide us with satellite-based data on our position. What drivers now take for granted can help you as a patient today, too, in the form of navigation supported nasal sinus surgery.
The navigation system helps the surgeon to find his way in the three-dimensional labyrinth of the nasal sinuses and find the narrow point that should be operated on with the highest degree of precision. In the Dr. Bodlaj’s practice, an optical or electro-magnetic navigation system is employed for every nasal sinus surgery. The diagnosis before any such intervention is carried out with a high-resolution DVT-device. This allows one to identify the cause of sinusitis, for example. This location can then be found quickly and reliably in the course of a nasal sinus operation, thanks to the help of the navigation system.
How does navigation in the nasal sinuses function?
What are the advantages of nasal sinus navigation for the patient?
The nose and nasal sinuses are a complex, highly branched, three-dimensional labyrinth which is tightly connected with other structures that are of vital importance. The eye sockets and the base of the skull are directly adjacent. The precision of the surgeon is of vital importance to the patient.
For you as a patient, the use of nasal sinus navigation means.
Maximum safety during a nasal sinus operation; the surgeon can reliably find his way through the three-dimensional labyrinth of the nasal sinuses minimal surgical risk thanks to rapid and precise intervention protects vitally important structures such as the base of the skull and the brain, eyes and optical nerve, cerebral arteries the operation is gentle on the mucous membranes: thanks to the precision of the navigation it is possible to precisely locate the diseased spot in order to remove only as much diseased tissue as is absolutely necessary, without injuring healthy mucous membrane tissue in the process. Low risk of complications and subsequent bleeding.
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